BondSpot S.A. is a unique in Poland institution holding a license for operating a regulated off-stock exchange market and eligible for creating electronic platforms for trading in securities and financial instruments on the non-regulated market (i.e. market not supervised by the Polish FSA).
Growth strategy being currently implemented by the Company envisages two main fields of business activities:
- The BondSpot Poland market – the treasury bonds and treasury bills wholesale trading market. It forms an integral part of the Treasury Securities Dealer System created by the Ministry of Finance. The market employs state-of-the-art technologies implemented on the leading European treasury securities markets. Use of a uniform trading platform allows foreign dealers to transact on the Polish market. This makes BondSpot Poland a part of the global bonds trading platform.
- The BondSpot Securities Market (regulated off-stock exchange market). This market trades primarily in debt securities. Listing on the BondSpot Securities Market gives issuers access to a wide group of investors, first of all institutional investors. It also generates higher liquidity of the listed instruments and allows better market pricing, being of particular importance for institutional investors who are obligated to perform daily assets valuations.
Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego S.A. allows its Client to execute buy/sell transactions in relation to all securities listed on the BondSpot Securities Market.