

Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego S.A. provides the services of an agent in performing calls for sale or exchange of shares and forced shares buy-outs. Such services include acceptance of registrations, performing and settling of transactions and preparation of required documentation in cooperating with the calling party or party announcing the forced buy-out of shares.

Company Type Date Value
(in mn zl)
Dębica S.A. tender offer March 2008 101
MPEC Wrocław SA call January 2006 49
MPEC Wrocław SA call October 2005 500
Poligrafia S.A. call September 2005 0,8
Poligrafia S.A. call August 2005 173
Polifarb Cieszyn-Wrocław SA call April 2005 107
Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa S.A. call December 2004 13
Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa S.A. call November 2004 479
Kutnowskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne Polfa S.A. call April 2004 291

DMBH performed the role of an agent also during the following calls for repurchase of shares: Rolimpex SA (2003), Polifarb Cieszyn Wrocław SA (2003), ZT Kruszwica SA (2003), Grupa Kęty (2002), NFI im. E. Kwiatkowskiego (2001), NFI Progress S.A (2001) NFI Octavo SA (2001), Representatives of institutions or persons interested in announcing a call for repurchase of shares are kindly requested to contact DMBH.