Biuro klientów detalicznych


Our activities include:

  • Providing services to individuals and selected institutional clients in sale of products offered by DMBH,
  • Client services associated with operating of the securities account, derivative rights account, property rights account and money account,
  • Organization and providing services to clients in non-public trading organized through the DMBH,
  • Current control and supervision over internal processes associated with rendering services to individual Clients,
  • Issue of brokerage orders by authorized brokers,
  • The following teams remain ad disposal to ensure convenience and satisfy the need and requirements of our customers:

Distrubution & Documentation
Basic tasks:
  • Maintaining and archiving Client documentation associated with signing of brokerage agreements and Client instructions,
  • Supporting DMBH units providing direct services to Clients in respect to managing the documentation flow process,

Typical activities performed by the Distrubution & Documentation:

  • Opening of brokerage accounts in the operating system and entering changes based on instructions submitted by Clients,
  • Formal review of brokerage agreements and Client instructions, as well as introducing changes to ensure compliance with applicable regulations,
  • Preparing and sending to Clients brokerage services agreements and archiving of documents and instructions associated with investment accounts (including setting of passwords to telephone-based and Internet-based services).

Contact us to obtain detailed information relating to the submitted by you documents.